5 Tips one should always know to improve his Instagram Game.

Yesterday I was just going through my Quora feed and i came across this interesting post from Aloy Gupta. You can follow him on Quora he have some amazing answer.

These tips can make your Instagram feed more impressive and i'm sure you can learn something new, So Coming to the Tips here what he says.
TIP#1: The Rule of Thirds.
Don’t click a picture by being at the center of the frame.
Position yourself (or the important element of your scene to 1/3rd of the height and width of the pic)
The rest of the space is called “breathing space”.
When someone looks at your photo, if you center yourself in the frame, it feels suffocating. The breathing space also lends an artistic touch to your photo.
Notice, how the lighthouse is not the center of the picture.

one more examples.

TIP #2: Balance the elements.
Sometimes, the rule of third can create a lot of empty space, if the background doesn’t contain much element.
Like a plain blue sky in the background can create too much emptiness in the pic.
In such a case, move your camera around, try to include a secondary element in your scene.

(The building in the background is the secondary element here which fills out the void of the plain blue sky)

TIP #3: Low angle shots to look taller.
Ever wondered why Hindi films have those low angle shots as the entry scene of the ‘hero’?
It just makes them look taller and more powerful.
While those are extremes, do the following to appear taller.
  1. Tell your friend to take the photo from a lower angle.
  2. Crop the top of the photo to have less space between the top of your head and the photo’s top margin.

TIP #4: Tell a story.
Do something interesting.
Plain old posing is mostly boring. Photos which show you doing something are the ones people like most.
Put a human touch in your photo.

TIP #5: Shoot at dawn or dusk.
Avoid taking photographs at mid day when sunlight is too harsh.
For any good photo, lighting is key.
Late morning and early evening are the best times, as the photos look warmer in such lighting conditions.

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