The Fault In Our Stars

Hey Guys,
It's around 4:37 am in Monday morning and I’m not sleeping and the reason is a beautifully written heartbreaking book "FAULT IN OUR STARS" By John Green. Last year one of my friend “Phalguni”, She give it to me in return when I give her a book. I don’t get a chance or say i was not interested in reading a love story novel. So since last one year it was sitting in a dusty corner of my house but trust me i was completely wrong. There are many books with great content and story but there are very few books which make you feel very emotional and they hit directly in your heart and “Fault in our stars” is one of them.

So here is my review for it:-
"The Fault In Our Stars" is a beautiful heartbreaking love story of two teenager Hazel Grace Lancaster and Augusts Waters they both were suffering from cancer and trying to get out of it. Actually in this book Hazel is telling her story about how he met with Augusts and how they fall in love with each other while both of them were surviving through cancer. Book starts with Cancer Support group meetings and we came to know what kind of challenges a cancer survivor face in his life and how people around them like family and friends feel about it. It continues with a most important book “An Imperial Affliction” and its writer which Hazel like very much.

“John Green” is perfect in this book he knows how to tell a love story. The way he describe the romance between two teenagers is brilliant. One more thing I like about the book is it includes a good description of Holland as well. This book is full of emotion, True love, comedy, romance and sorrow. I was feeling too emotional when I read this book. One can find everything in this book.

Few lines which I liked very much are:-

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes her.”

“The world is not a wish-granting factory.”

“The marks humans leave are too often scars.”

“That’s the thing about the pain... it demands to be felt.”

I don’t want to be a spoiler so I will not tell you the story here but I suggest you that if you are looking for beautiful heartbreaking story then you must go with this book. You cannot ignore this masterpiece from “John Green”. I really want to thank him for this beautiful book although the story is heart breaking but perfect love. In 2014 a movie was also made with the same title and it is also quite awesome but i would suggest you to read book first.

So guys please share your views and I hope you will enjoy it. :-)

Aman Tanwar
Instagram: - amantanvar28
