10 Things You should know at work.

Working in corporate is always a challenge. It is a Race, you do something wrong and you are out of it. so what are the most common things one should know?

Here we go:-

1. Enter office on time, leave on time. Your desktop is not helping to improve your health.

2. Avoid taking everything on your ego. Your salary matters. You are being paid. Use your assets to get happiness.

3. Trust no one but respect everyone. "Your colleagues are not your friends. While it is good to have a cordial relationship with everyone at work, you should know your boundaries. For example, if you speak against someone to a colleague, do not be surprised if the gossip works against you in future."

4 . Your boss is not your enemy. Like you, the boss has to do her/his work, which includes managing you. Your boss sees work from a different perspective, which you’ll be able to judge better if you are in her/his position.

5. Your subordinate is not a fool. Your subordinate may not deliver the way you want but surely, she or he is good at something. It is your job to see that you get the best out of her/him.

6. Your office is not your house. Work hard and return to your house to relax.

7. Your house is not your office. Do not bring work to your house.

8 Do not expect rewards to work hard. It is the other way around.

9 Sometimes people have it easier than you, and sometimes you have it easier than others. There's no absolution.

10.  If you don't like the process, you'll never get your desired result.

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